When you click Sign Up, you will be redirected to download Spotify software. From there, click the toggle next to Download to start downloading all liked songs. Learn how to use Spotify Web Player on Chrome and Firefox - play songs. Otherwise the extension will show you UI that say you need to open the app to enjoy the extension. To download your Liked Songs playlist, open the Spotify app on your Windows 10 PC, Mac, or Linux computer and then select Liked Songs from the Your Library section in the sidebar. While the Spotify Web Player is certainly convenient, it does come with a couple of downsides. ★ Have Spotify's desktop app or web player running. Select what you want to listen to, click the Play button, and you’re good to go. If you have not logged in, the extension will show the UI to inform you that you need to login to enjoy the extension. ★ Check the documentation page for more detail: This is a mini Spotify player that allows the user seamlessly play/pause/save or jump to previous or next track while surfing the web without having to navigate to the Spotify user interface.